Capitalizing on Your Intelligence Style
Part 3: Idealists' Diplomatic Intelligence
By The College Advisor
Idealists want a dream job and the best matches fitting their type of intelligence and
skills. Possessing natural diplomatic intelligence, they empathize with others,
communicate in a global language that allows others to add their own meanings,
and seek harmony with all.
Teachers (ENFJs) have teaming diplomatic intelligence. They actively demonstrate
ways to work cooperatively with others. To help each person rise to his/her potential,
they mentor and tutor. They want both the individual and the group to be successful.
Shyesha looks forward to her career as a high school teacher. "I grew up in the projects
and people would come to me to settle arguments. I want to encourage students to make
something of themselves and I think teaching is the best way for me to do that." If you're
a Teacher, how does your major help develop your teaming diplomatic intelligence?
Counselors (INFJs) have guiding diplomatic intelligence. Counselors foresee what
keeps others from being happy and successful and guide other to gain new skills to meet
their goals. They prefer working one-on-one more than working with groups.
Paolo wants to get a Master's in Counseling. "My friends seek me out when they are in
a bind. I try to help them. I see so many people causing trouble for themselves and I'd
like to help, so I decided to go into counseling." If you're a Counselor, how does your major
help develop your guiding diplomatic intelligence?
Champions (ENFPs) have inspirational diplomatic intelligence. Counselors use
interactions with others to gain new insights and spot deeper issues for both individuals
and groups. They use words to paint pictures to inspire others to meet new challenges and
go beyond that which is easy.
Kirby has been studying Kinesiology and Health Promotion. He'd like to travel to Third
World Countries to improve health conditions. "I hate to see people suffering because of
poor sanitation and ignorance about healthy ways of living. When I graduate, I'll be
associated with a missionary group that provides medical assistance and health information."
If you're a Champion, how does your major help develop inspirational diplomatic intelligence?
Healers (INFPs) have mediating diplomatic intelligence. Healers see all sides of
issues and seek their own inner truth to create unique solutions to problems. Since they
are hypersensitive to conflict, it is in their own best interest to seek solutions that
others can accept.
Teresa has an interdisciplinary major combining psychology, sociology and criminal
justice. "I come from a long line of cops. Right now I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to
apply my major, but I think I'd like to be a profiler. I seem to be able to get into other
people's head and think from a lot of different perspectives. I'd like to help catch
criminals - particularly those who torture and rape." If you're a Healer, how does your
major help develop mediating diplomatic intelligence?
Each of the other 3 temperaments also has a strongest intelligence suit: